Sunday, January 16, 2011

Using Calibre with a Kindle

Right... we'd spell it caliber in the US (is in size of ammo). This is an free open source multi-platform (Windows, Linux, and Mac) program that translates various formats into various E-book formats. Useful enough, I suppose, but what's really cool about it is that you can schedule it to go out and get any one of many magazines and newspapers, or your favorite blogs at a specific time, format it for your Kindle, and E-mail it to your Kindle account so when you wake up in the morning, it's already there. It works great and it has ready made canned recipes for lots of lots of different sources.

All I have to do is to leave it running when I'm gone and my subscribed Wall Street Journal (the recipe has a place to put your username and password), Orlando Sentinel, magazines, and my favorite blogs will show up in the morning at the hotel, free while I'm away, as long as they have WiFi. That also gives me plenty to read on the airplane also.

I find that I don't read many books, because I rarely have time to finish time them in a timely fashion. But I ravenously read newspapers, magazines, and blogs all the time, so this is great! So while I'm off trying to read more books, this is a great way to stay informed on the road.

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